Faragó-Thököly Márton
About me
Dear Musicians
The crafting of musical instruments from wood has always been enigmatic to me, and the spirit of music has always enthralled me, so at a young age I came to Budapest, Hungary from Toronto, Canada to study the art of violin making. I was fortunate to find an atelier in the heart of Budapest where I was blessed with the chance to learn the skills of this wonderful and life changing craft from the top violin makers whose goal was to preserve and carry-on the traditional Hungarian techniques that made the Austrian-Hungarian Empire a center for instrument-making excellence in the 19th century.
During my years in the field I learned to craft stringed instruments in the style of the "Old Italians", including members of the schools of Cremona, Brescia and Venezia. Incorporating old world techniques and the forgotten art of inlay designs from the 16th and 17th century, my instrument represent the true spirit of baroque spiced with a hint of Hungarian schooling to enhance its overall character.
Now as I work as an independent “artisanal” and concentrate purely on the crafting of instruments, I always look forward to those moments when I introduce my instrument to a talented and upcoming or established musician. I believe that it is crucial for a violinist to find their violin and likewise for a violin to find its ideal master.
With this letter I am looking to spread the word of quality instruments, made with integrity and craftsmanship to suit your comfort. I work with many models from different Italian schools.(different sizes for violas) My instruments are made of the finest woods procured from the same regions where the Old Italians Masters meticulously hand picked their materials and are finished with homemade oil varnish (new or antiqued) that brings out the hidden tones, and optimal sound and resonance for which there are no substitutes or comparison.
My instruments are not merely a tool for musicians, but a partner and investment in the fulfillment of expectations.
My works